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Fishing 作者: Mind Map: Fishing

1. survival

1.1. fish attacks

1.2. food

2. sacred fish

2.1. which fish are sacred

2.2. who thinks they are sacred

2.3. why are they sacred

3. endangered

3.1. seasons

3.1.1. how long

3.2. how they help with endangered fish

3.3. which fish are endangered

4. types of fishing

4.1. bass

4.1.1. popularity why is it more popular

4.2. ice

4.2.1. rich histoy why is the type of fishing so old

4.3. spear

4.3.1. bow fishing

4.4. fly

4.4.1. art

4.5. bottom

4.5.1. patientice

4.6. snagging

4.6.1. legal issues

4.7. hand

4.7.1. dangerous

4.8. jug

4.8.1. quanity

5. biggest fish

5.1. record

5.1.1. state

5.1.2. national

5.1.3. world

5.2. big breeds

5.2.1. goliath tiger fish Do they attack why do they attack people which fish is the most aggresive

5.2.2. sharks

5.2.3. tuna what do they eat

5.3. why are they so big

5.3.1. what the average size

5.3.2. why do these fish get so big to where they need their own name

6. culture

6.1. sturgeon fishing city

6.1.1. holiday

6.1.2. family

6.2. village

6.2.1. survival

6.2.2. technuiques

6.3. stories

6.3.1. tales

6.3.2. true stories