Project Plan

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Project Plan 作者: Mind Map: Project Plan

1. Chain of social relations

1.1. Management

1.2. Staff

1.3. Shareholders

2. Main ideas

2.1. Motivation

2.2. Organization

2.3. Planning

2.4. Receiving a profit

2.5. Сommon task

3. The base for the company's goals

4. Оfficials

4.1. Clients

4.2. Items to be Delivered

4.3. Suppliers

4.3.1. Government

4.3.2. Shareholders

4.3.3. financiers

5. Social ideas

5.1. The presence of social sites and the availability of them

5.2. Availability of wages

5.3. Social payments

6. Limitations

6.1. Budget

6.1.1. Materials

6.1.2. Personel

6.1.3. Services

6.1.4. Duration

6.2. Delivery Timeline

6.3. Requirements

7. Сorporate governance

7.1. Anglo-American

7.1.1. Schedule

7.1.2. Budget