Medical Marijuana: Benefits, Risks & State Laws

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Medical Marijuana: Benefits, Risks & State Laws 作者: Mind Map: Medical Marijuana: Benefits, Risks & State Laws

1. It can be smoked

1.1. vaporized

1.1.1. ingested in a pill form or an edible version can be added to foods such as brownies cookies and

2. Marijuana contains

2.1. 60 active ingredients

2.1.1. known as cannabinoids.

3. The body naturally makes

3.1. its own form of cannabinoids

3.1.1. to modulate pain Abrams said.

4. In a placebo-controlled

4.1. 2007

4.1.1. study in the journal Neurology Abrams and his colleagues found that marijuana

5. All the states require

5.1. a doctor’s approval

5.1.1. and all but Washington State require an ID card

6. Many of the states

6.1. that allow

6.1.1. medical marijuana have an online application process.

7. Name: Cindy Katherinne Tovar Zapata Code: 902152106

8. Medical marijuana

8.1. is legal

8.1.1. in 23 states.

9. By 1937

9.1. the Marihuana Tax Act [sic] imposed such high taxes on physicians prescribing cannabis

9.1.1. retail pharmacists selling cannabis and those cultivating medical cannabis that it essentially fell out of favor as a treatment.

10. Medical marijuana

10.1. is available

10.1.1. in several different forms.

11. Marijuana does have side effects

11.1. THC binds to cannabinoid receptors

11.1.1. which are concentrated in areas of the brain associated with thinking

12. The effects of marijuana

12.1. can interfere with attention

12.1.1. judgment and balance.