Absolute Monarchs

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Absolute Monarchs 作者: Mind Map: Absolute Monarchs

1. Hapsburg Empire

1.1. Charles V

1.1.1. ruled 2 empires catholic

1.1.2. divided his empire with his Brother, Ferdinand became holy roman empereor

2. Spain's Golden Age

2.1. Phillip II

2.1.1. Science and mahematics

2.1.2. 1550-1650

3. Henry IV

3.1. fought against catholic opposition to gain control of France

3.1.1. converted to Catholicism

3.2. 1589

4. Louis XIV

4.1. believed in the divine right to rule

4.1.1. spent money to build an army

4.2. 1643

5. Charles I

5.1. 1625

5.2. imprisoned without trial

5.2.1. Petition of Right

6. Fredrick William I

6.1. Prussian leader

6.1.1. Reduced the nobles independence

6.2. 1713

7. Catherine the Great

7.1. early 1600s

7.1.1. wed to Russian throne