1st Pitch Feedback

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1st Pitch Feedback 作者: Mind Map: 1st Pitch Feedback

1. Response to feedback

1.1. We have to take into consideration that we are most likely to use colourgrading to brighten the glow in the dark make up

1.2. We need to think about back up locations just in case of bad weather conditions that may prevent us from filming

2. Problems

2.1. It wasn't clear to the audience that they was going to be two actors, Sarah is the actor who is lipsyncing and Neena is the actor who is going to be 'walking' around London.

2.2. We need to include a test shot of Sarah

2.3. At times, some members of the audience couldn't hear us clearly.

3. Positive Feedback

3.1. It was very detailed and structured, also it was easy to understand.

3.2. We have thought about the pace of the video as we decided to quicken the pace of the shots around the chorus to match the continuous beat of the song.

3.3. Great ideas for the video. For example, the glow in the dark make up infers to the name of the artist , G.L.O,