11-2: Launching the New Government 11-3: Washington as President

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11-2: Launching the New Government 11-3: Washington as President 作者: Mind Map: 11-2: Launching the New Government        11-3: Washington as President

1. the new was faced with problems right away. A problem they faced was that they had no funds.

2. George Washington and Alexander Hamilton saw the whiskey rebellion threat to the national government

3. whiskey rebellion

4. pic of Alexander Hamilton

5. At the end of the rebellion Washington announced that he will run again and Hamilton and Jefferson told him he is the only one who can the nation together.

6. On April 30, 1798, George Washington took the oath of becoming the first president of the United States

7. The congress was very divided. one side wanted to create a strong national government. The other side wanted to limit the power of the new government.

8. The congress originally wanted one branch but there were a lot of arguments about the government so they made three.

9. pic of George Washington

10. another pic of George washington