Schmidt - Mibs Sociogram

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Schmidt - Mibs Sociogram 作者: Mind Map: Schmidt - Mibs Sociogram

1. Poppa

1.1. no savvy

1.2. got in a car accident, which left him unable to do anything

1.3. Mibs' father

2. Samson

2.1. age 7

2.2. Mibs' younger brother

2.3. no savvy yet

3. Bobbi Meeks

3.1. no savvy

3.2. daughter of Miss Rosemary

3.3. very bad attitude

4. Momma

4.1. her savvy is perfection

4.2. Mibs' mother

4.3. has brilliant ocean blue eyes, which she passed on to Fish

5. Grandpa

5.1. Mibs' grandfather

5.2. his savvy was making or moving land

5.3. had an awkward childhood

6. Lester

6.1. no savvy

6.2. driving the Bible bus that was taking Mibs to Salina

6.3. very thin

7. Fish

7.1. Mibs' brother

7.2. a year older than Mibs

7.3. his savvy is creating weather

8. Rocket

8.1. his savvy is creating electricity

8.2. Mibs' brother

8.3. 17 years old

9. Gypsy

9.1. age 3

9.2. came up with Mibs' as Mississippi's nickname

9.3. Mibs' younger sister

10. Will Junior

10.1. has a crush on Mibs

10.2. no savvy

10.3. son of Miss Rosemary

11. Miss Rosemary

11.1. no savvy

11.2. the preacher's wife at their church

11.3. Mibs' temporary mother replacement

12. Lill Kiteley

12.1. a rider on the Bible bus that Mibs was on

12.2. no savvy

12.3. worked at a local diner and was late to work, so she hitched a ride on the bus after her car broke down