CI Newsletter

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CI Newsletter 作者: Mind Map: CI Newsletter

1. Content

1.1. Stories

1.2. Lessons Learned

1.3. Announcements

1.3.1. Upcoming Workshops

1.3.2. Changes/Updates/Ways to participate

1.3.3. Performance Report?

1.4. Op Eds

1.5. News

1.5.1. Program News

1.5.2. Project News

1.5.3. CI Program News

1.5.4. Misc. Political Funding Engineering-related Industry News

1.6. Misc.

1.6.1. Tips and Tricks

1.6.2. Functional Area Profiles?

1.6.3. Messages from executives/managers

1.6.4. Calls to Action/Participation

1.6.5. Photos

1.7. Awards/Recognition

1.7.1. MVPs

1.7.2. Participation

1.7.3. Contests?

1.7.4. Best IPI or LL award?

1.8. Question & Answer

1.8.1. FAQ

1.8.2. Relevant questions to news

1.8.3. Explanations/Tutorials/How-Tos

2. Difficulties

3. Important Questions

3.1. What sets this apart from "All Aboard"?

3.2. Why can't we just integrate this with "All Aboard?"

3.3. Do we discretely or blatantly discuss Continuous Improvement terms and topics?

3.4. How do we make process improvements interesting?

3.5. What additional Content do we add other than CI stories?

3.6. If we take on Program Integration, can this encompass more than CI? Should it?

3.7. How frequently do we publish? Monthly, Bi-monthly, Quarterly?

3.8. Who are our sources and from whom do we gather new stories/content?

4. Intent/Goal of Newsletter

4.1. Communicate recent CI participation, successes, and news

4.2. Celebrate participation, stories, successes, MVPs, etc.

4.3. Get others onboard CI/Innovation

4.4. Connect Organization and FAs more. Raise awareness of work among other groups

4.5. Call to Action

5. Publication

5.1. Initially 2 pages-->8-16page newsletter

5.2. Consistent format, color scheme, and layout

5.3. Dynamic photos

5.4. Hyperlinks, QR Codes, quote, etc.

5.5. Diagrams, graphics, comics, "By the Numbers" Infographics

5.6. Good Title + Logo

5.7. Icons

6. Methods/characteristics to reach Intent

6.1. Create interest in CI w/ concrete changes

6.2. Captivating stories from people on the ground

6.3. Fun, engaging

6.4. Concise, but informative content

6.5. Clear ability and desire to get involved