Shopping causes anxiety Vs. Shopping cures anxiety.

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Shopping causes anxiety Vs. Shopping cures anxiety. 作者: Mind Map: Shopping causes anxiety Vs. Shopping cures anxiety.

1. Create a 30-day list. Make a new rule: you can't buy anything (except necessities) until a 30-day waiting period has passed. ... Don't go to the mall. ... Don't go to online retail sites. ... Monitor your urges. ... Take a deep breath. ... Calculate the value in life energy. ... Plan your purchases. ... Freeze your credit card.

2. clothing vibes

3. season appropriate?

4. tips

4.1. what should i before I buy something??

4.2. do's and dont

4.3. tips to help decide

5. impulse shopping

6. cures anxiety and causes it

7. shopping trends.

8. colors&prints

9. accessories?