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Photography 作者: Mind Map: Photography

1. what tips could i give about photography?

1.1. when taking a group photo have the focus on the person closes to the camera

1.2. get in amongst the action, meaning if you feel you photo is not popping take a step closer to take off all the empty space.

2. should i talk about good angles?

2.1. yes

3. should i talk about lighting?

3.1. yes

4. topics i should speak about

4.1. flash photography

4.2. shutter

4.3. pananorma

4.4. street photography

4.5. night photography

4.6. portrait photography

4.7. photo stories

4.8. the digital fine print

4.9. micro photography

4.10. food photography

5. how many photos should i present?

5.1. slide show?

5.2. print out?

5.3. prezi

6. how much information should i have on editing?

6.1. A couple facts

7. should I give a Tutorial?

7.1. maybe but might be too much