media convergence and connection to participatory culture

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media convergence and connection to participatory culture 作者: Mind Map: media convergence and connection to participatory culture

1. affordability

1.1. financial differences

1.1.1. finance plans available almost everywhere for technology so more people can be apart of this

2. technological home

2.1. amazon echo controls your home

2.1.1. lights,locks,music,temperature etc

3. news

3.1. not just global

3.1.1. local enterainment news

4. culture

4.1. allows people to see and view other cultures or their own through movies, music and other platforms

4.1.1. also influences other cultures

5. accessability

5.1. ability to access information

5.1.1. more educated knowledge people and can allow people to participate in certain events for example the election

6. broad forms of communication

6.1. mobile devices/computers

6.1.1. people can participate via anywhere breaking down gaps between nations/cultures with exposure

7. universal language aka emojis, text abbreviations

7.1. created by the participants

7.1.1. generational language gap generation gap

8. adaptation of old media to fit new generations

8.1. everything becoming available on an iPhone

8.1.1. apps for household needs, shopping, news etc

9. celebrities

9.1. we follow them on social media

9.1.1. watch their movies and shows engage in their life

10. social media

10.1. people participate in the creation and absorption of content constantly

10.1.1. communicate and distribute there content across the world

11. suited to fit all

11.1. anyone can find their internet/media needs with various apps or outlets that suit their interests

11.1.1. media is now for all