Plan to do, 10 from Now

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Plan to do, 10 from Now 作者: Mind Map: Plan to do, 10 from Now

1. I have a stable Job

1.1. as a famous psychologist

2. Investments

2.1. 2 Houses

2.1.1. in province for my parents

2.1.2. in Manlia

2.2. Family Van

3. Plan to have my own Family

3.1. choose my partner in life

3.2. to get married

3.3. to have 1 daughter and 1 son

4. I want to travel

4.1. Around the philippine first

4.1.1. Enchanted River

4.1.2. Palawan

4.1.3. Ilocos

4.1.4. Boracay

4.1.5. Batanes

4.2. Around the World

4.2.1. Paris

4.2.2. Canada

4.2.3. New York

5. do something for the less fortunate

5.1. give them groceries every month