Copy of My Future Pitch for My Planned Presentation

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Copy of My Future Pitch for My Planned Presentation 作者: Mind Map: Copy of My Future Pitch for My Planned Presentation

1. A unique mind

1.1. I always felt I was destined for greatness. I can tell you so many things about how I'm unique. I tell you I had to go through a lot to get to this point. The truth is I grew up without anyone really there for me. And that's ok, I am a stronger person because of it and I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world. I have a deep understanding for human nature and I can read people very very well. I have the stubbornness of a mule but I use that to my advantage, I challenge myself with something every day. I push myself out of my comfort zone and I'm confident with doing so. Yet the most unique thing about me would be my intelligence comes from my understanding. I have such deep empathy towards others I can understand how they feel very well and I use that to figure out ways to help them. I want to pass on my experiences so that no one else has to go through what I did. I have seen evil and I have conquered it. I beat the system and am creating a newer and better one. I dared myself to dream, will you? I will not turn my back and give up on myself or anyone else in this world. I see a better future and I know now is the time to help make a change.

1.1.1. When I first heard about Google I was pretty young. I was instantly drawn in as soon as I understood who this company was and the possibilities became endless. I became very excited and motivated to work towards my goals. I've always wanted to work for a company that creates jobs and helps their employees reach their goals.

2. Good reasoning and food for thought

2.1. There's multiple reasons as to why I am doing this, endless reasons. I had spent a lot of my childhood asking God why? Why did you let these things happen to me? What did I do to deserve such cruelty? If I could only explain to you the way God has answered me... It took me most of my teen years and well into my now twenties to understand what I was meant to do in this world. And this didn't just come to me out of nowhere, it took a lot of changing. I had to do a lot of soul searching and overcame a lot of obstacles. I had to rethink and stop asking the wrong questions. I knew how broken I was and what I needed to do to fix it. I love this world and I know that we can help make it a better place by working together.

2.2. It's our goal to make this world a better place. We have more resources now than we ever have to help those in need. To create a future we need change, we can no longer sit around and let these things happen. We need to start creating solutions and getting this world at a better stand point. It's not about being treated equally, it's about treating others equally.

3. My Potential

3.1. I am going to build a portfolio, idea bored, and several projects that will help support my app. I'm not going to stop there either, see the app is just to get things started. I will build a portfolio that will support my ideas and research. I want to use these tools to help build new platforms that will help cultivate the world and change the way the world views us!

4. What I can learn for Google

4.1. I will keep practicing presentations and talks because I know in my idea there needs to be a lot of communication. I don't want to just focus on one skill though because as I've come to understand when you learn something new about one thing there's more to learn about everything else too.

5. Google Tools

5.1. I know how to use computers and the software involved in making platforms, using API for projects and the tools that are needed to build those said projects. I taught myself how to use the tools google had provided me but ran out of time and resources to finish my idea.

5.2. I'm experienced in social settings with all kinds of people. I'm a very good team player and I am very open minded toward others ideas as long as it's helping and not hurting. I am a very fast learner and am quick to understanding life, I connect with people very well and I have a passion for helping the world. The best tool I have to give to this company is not just the an understanding and knowledge of software development, I have life experience. I want to help change this world, I want to make it a better place and I know I have the tools to do it.

6. My thought process

6.1. We don't really think about why we do things in our lives, we do it just because it's either expected of us or trained into our brains. I mean yea this is our human nature but the concept goes much deeper and realistically we loose ourselves quite literally. I want to talk about being true to ourselves. As history shows we weren't by any means perfect or very kind to our fellow man. America is changing and we are closer than we realize we are to world piece. Our culture has changed without us even knowing it. My goal is to give people a tool that will help them be more in tune with themselves. I want you to better understand who you are. Now being our true selves in this matter is important, you ever hear the term Fake it until you make it? I've seen it first hand and it either fails you half way through, or after you get out of your situation you find yourself more lost than you were before. Being your true self in everything you do is a lot easier than trying to convince everyone else you're someone you're not.

6.2. The idea is to help people who are lost in their lives to find themselves again. Let's help them find the answers they need to bring their lives back on track.

7. Google

7.1. They are job creators and this has been my dream. I want to create my own work, I have amazing innovative ideas that will change the world. I feel Google is the best tool to connect the world in the way I need it to in order for my idea to work.

8. The Hardware and the Software

8.1. So back in high school I took a computer class. In this class we were to learn how to solder our own computer chips, install them into a computer tower, also build the tower inside and out. Then we were supposed to hook the computer up and if we did it correctly it would of course turn on. Then we were to use that same computer and program an internet website while learning how to use html coding. Growing up I've always been interested in computers and found them easy to figure out. And now having a bachelors in mobile development I will not only be able to program and run software but I will have endless tools to build mind blowing websites and apps, even games, movies, you name it. I have so many great ideas!