Sean Ritz

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Sean Ritz 作者: Mind Map: Sean Ritz

1. Study

1.1. I like to be taught through hands on procedures and staying active. I also love pictures and rhythm

1.1.1. Visual-Spatial

1.1.2. Bodily-Kinesthetic

1.1.3. Interpersonal

1.1.4. Musical-Rhythmic

1.2. I love to study with music playing or creating rhythm out of nothing

1.3. I like to study in small groups(2-3 people) too many people causes too many distractions and not enough work

2. BE

2.1. Environmental- I prefer to have music playing in the background and I enjoy being outdoors like on a beach or in nature somewhere

2.2. Psychological- I am in the middle with both impulsive and analytical. It depends on the situation, sometimes I have to think before I act and sometimes its the right moment and I seize it by acting first

2.3. Emotional- I like a little structure but not too much, I am goal oriented and have strong motivation to be better and do better

2.3.1. Included

2.3.2. Included

2.3.3. Excluded

3. Successful Intelligence

3.1. Analytical Skills- Could use some work, great at finding out a solution to a problem. Score 36

3.1.1. Project specifications

3.1.2. End User requirements

3.1.3. Action points sign-off

3.2. Practical Skills- in the middle, still could use a little work but great at making things happen. Score 43

3.2.1. Define actions as necessary

3.3. Creative Skills- almost perfect, I am able to think outside of the box and always thinking of better ways to solve problems and create new ideas. Score 48

4. Multiple Intelligence

4.1. Musical was highest score of 22, this is my career pursuit which is music

4.2. Interpersonal with a score of 21, I can make friends easily and find it easy to start conversations with others

4.3. Visual-Spatial with a score of 21, I love all types of art and see creative people thrive through their work

4.4. Delays

5. Personality Spectrum

5.1. Adventurer with a score of 25, I am always down to try new things and love living in the moment

5.1.1. Dependencies

5.1.2. Milestones

5.2. Organizer with a score of 22, I like to be clean, prompt and on time

5.2.1. Schedule

5.2.2. Budget

5.3. Giver with a score of 20, I find joy in seeing other people be happy specially if I am the reason

5.3.1. KPI's