2. Business Target and Business Strategy

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2. Business Target and Business Strategy 作者: Mind Map: 2. Business Target and Business Strategy

1. 2.8 To go further

2. 2.7 Conclusions

2.1. The Big Picture again

2.1.1. Business Strategy and Target: Conclusion

2.2. Summary in one knit

2.2.1. Diagram

2.3. The Big Picture for "Non-for-Profit"

2.3.1. Discussion

3. 2.6 Company Specifications: Aims and Values

3.1. Your job in 2.6

3.2. A. Company Aims and Values

3.2.1. Company Aims and Values

3.3. B. An example: Values for "Dinner at Home"

3.3.1. Wordcloud 'Values for Dinner at Home'

3.4. C. Company Flexibility

3.4.1. Responsiveness: Definition

3.4.2. Responsiveness: Functional Innovative Products

3.4.3. Responsiveness: Conclusion

3.5. D. An example: Flexibility for "Dinner at Home"

3.5.1. MCQ 'Acceptable flexibility for Dinner at Home'

4. 2.5 Macro Attributes

4.1. Your job in 2.5

4.2. A. What are the Macro Attributes?

4.2.1. Summary

4.2.2. Macro Attributes

4.3. B. An example: Llenroc Plastics Europe:

4.4. C. An exercise

4.4.1. MCQ 'Macro/Pareto'

5. 2.4 Micro Attributes: the traditional ones

5.1. Your job in 2.4

5.2. A. 5 traditional KPI's

5.2.1. Summary

5.3. B. Price, Delivery time, Availability

5.3.1. Price, Delivery time, Availability

6. 2.3 Micro Attributes: how to choose them?

6.1. Your job in 2.3

6.2. A. Two Questions

6.2.1. Micro Attributes: What to specify?

6.2.2. Micro Attributes: How to proceed?

6.3. B. Pareto Classifications

6.3.1. What did Pareto discover?

7. 2.2 What Financial Yardstick?

7.1. Your job in 2.2

7.2. A. There are many financial indicators

7.2.1. Financial Target - Introduction

7.3. B. EVA: Economic Value Added

7.3.1. EVA: the Economic Value Added

7.3.2. Summary

7.4. C. Working Capital

7.4.1. Working Capital

7.5. D. An exercise

7.5.1. MCQ 'Which component of the EVA is impacted?"

8. 2.1 Multi-Criteria Decision Making

8.1. Your job in 2.1

8.2. A. Dominated and Undominated Solutions

8.2.1. The non-dominated solution

8.3. B. The "Find a Compromise" Approach (AWS)

8.3.1. Average Weighted Sum: How it works

8.3.2. Average Weighted Sum: Summary

8.4. C. The "Fix all but one" Approach

8.4.1. "Fix all but one": Principles

8.4.2. "Fix all but one": Cost is the Target"

8.5. D. An exercise

8.5.1. MCQ 'Delivery time VS Cost: best solutions'

8.6. E. Conclusion & Discussion

8.6.1. Multi-Criteria Decision Making: Conclusion

8.6.2. Multi-criteria issue

9. 2.0 Overview Module 2

9.1. Mindmap

9.2. The Focus of Module 2

9.2.1. Overall plan

9.3. Learning Objectives