Rural to Urban Migration

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Rural to Urban Migration 作者: Mind Map: Rural to Urban Migration

1. how do they get to the city

2. where does this happen

3. How do they pay for transportation

4. what are the challenges they face when getting there

5. lots of people lose their crops or jobs too different problems. I learnt that people go to the city to find jobs and get money and lots of people are looking for jobs and not much people succeed

6. Are any of the people that go to the city being successful?

7. What do family's face when they go to the city: Water, food, electricity and jobs?

8. If people are happy where they are now they will not migrate. There has to be a big reason that forces someone to leave their home

9. Some of the reasons for rural to urban migration is lack of food/water, people

10. Who moves to the city?

11. what do they do when they get there

12. when do people move to the city

13. how do family's pay for transportation and things once in the city

14. 55% of the Rural population have migrated to the city in Cambodia