European Revolutions of 1848

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European Revolutions of 1848 作者: Mind Map: European Revolutions of 1848

1. Germany

1.1. March demands

1.2. Declared for a new Constitution of the German Condeferation

1.3. Mieroslawski and his followers released from prison

1.4. national-liberal enthusiasm

2. Causes

2.1. France wanted to reimpose the monarchy

2.2. Constitutional-liberal political upheaval

2.3. Legitimist king of France replaced by orleanist

2.4. Increase in population

2.5. Industrialization

2.6. No social security

2.7. Food prices rose

2.7.1. Typhus fever

3. Hungarian Kingdom

3.1. demand for greater use of Magyar tongue

3.2. Magyar became language of public education

3.3. developed twelve specific demands

4. Austria

4.1. protesting by students

4.1.1. led to deaths and injuries

4.1.2. Emperor withdrew soldiers

4.1.3. soldiers became unwelcome

4.2. in March 1848, emperor abolished Robot obligation

4.3. imperial patent

4.3.1. Pillersdorf constitution

5. France

5.1. Monarchy under Louis Phillipe

5.2. Elections had quite limited suffrage

5.3. On 14th January authorities banned a banquet

5.3.1. In a banquet citizens could protest

5.3.2. Led to attacks and violence

5.3.3. Louis dismissed the prime minister and abdicated himself

5.4. Provisional government of French Republic formed

5.4.1. Group of socialists

6. People

6.1. Pope Pius IX

6.1.1. June 1846

6.1.2. Followed liberal policies

6.1.3. Prevailed in power in November 1847

6.2. Kossuth

6.2.1. nationalist prominent at Diet of the Hungarian Kingdom

6.2.2. secured Magyar tongue as official language

6.3. Radetzky

6.3.1. Austrian military commander

6.3.2. tried to regain control

6.3.3. forces of 13,000 men

6.4. King Frederick William

6.4.1. withdrew soldiers from Berlin

6.4.2. rode in stately progress through streets of Berlin presented himself as earlier German leaders