The Romantic Age

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The Romantic Age 作者: Mind Map: The Romantic Age

1. Agrarian Revolution

1.1. crop rotation

1.1.1. mechanisation

2. Napoleonic Wars

2.1. France/Britain

2.1.1. Admiral Horatio Nelson

2.1.2. 1815 Battle of Waterloo

2.2. Abolition slave-trading

2.2.1. Luddite Riots 1819 Peterloo Massacre 1811-1820 Regency

2.3. George IV

2.3.1. 1830 William IV

2.3.2. 1837 Queen Victoria

3. Industrial Revolution

3.1. Inventions

3.1.1. 1709 smelting of iron with coal Abraham Darby

3.1.2. 1755 steam engine James Watt 1765 spinning jenny James Hargreaves 1769 water frame Richard Arkwright 1779 spinning mule Samuel Crompton

3.2. Factory System

3.2.1. mushrooms towns

3.3. political repression and stagnation

3.3.1. child labour alienation

4. American War of Independence

4.1. Britain of George III

4.1.1. American Colonies: "No taxation without representation"

4.1.2. Loyalist/ Patriots (supported by French)

4.2. 4th July 1776, Philadelphia

4.2.1. Declaration of Independence ( Thomas Jefferson)

4.2.2. 1783 Treaty of Versailles

4.3. United States of America

4.3.1. federal constitution

4.3.2. 1789 George Washington