Born in the GDR by Hester Vaizey (2014)

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Born in the GDR by Hester Vaizey (2014) 作者: Mind Map: Born in the GDR by Hester Vaizey (2014)

1. Cultural division between East and West German

2. Challenges of Reunification

2.1. Adjustment to capitalist economy

2.2. Higher unemployment

2.3. Higher cost of living

2.4. No money to travel for most

2.5. Vulnerability to western businessmen

3. ...different mentalities continued to divid East and West German, to the point that Germans on both sides could be said to be living with Die Mauer in kopf (the wall in their heads) years after reunification-Hester Vaizey pg 1

4. Ostalgia: German term referring to nostalgia for aspects of life in East Germany.

5. Western stereotype of Easterners as lazy and crybabies.Eastern stereotype of westerners as consumerists and arrogant

6. Desire for aspects of old life in GDR, including subsidized rent and guarantee of employment and food.

7. Analysis: From 8 different perspectives, this book captures the memories of those born in GDR after 1961, of their former country and the challenges presented in reunification

8. ?'s to audience could you feel nostalgia for a place where you had limited rights? Would you be more scared or optimistic if life as you knew it ceased to exist?

9. Benefits of Reunification

9.1. Access to higher quality goods

9.2. freedom of speech

9.3. freedom to travel

9.4. Ability to choose career

10. ...The collapse of Communism was certainly not the end of the story, but rather the start of a new chapter-Hester Vaizey pg 179