Are trampolines too risky? Trampolines are too risky because they cause severe injuries, create v...

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Are trampolines too risky? Trampolines are too risky because they cause severe injuries, create very expensive medical bills, and can make permanent damage to you. 作者: Mind Map: Are trampolines too risky? Trampolines are too risky because they cause severe injuries, create very expensive medical bills, and can make permanent damage to you.

1. Even though trampolines create great exercise it causes bad injuries, permanent damage, and expensive medical bills.

2. People get severely hurt.

2.1. “Trampolines are popular among kids and adults – but they’re dangerous. From 2002 to 2011, trampoline injuries contributed to more than 1 million emergency department visits in the United States.” “A recent study found that nearly 100,000 trampoline-related injuries occurred in 2009 among children. Small children are 14 times more likely to get hurt than bigger children. What’s more, three-quarters of all trampoline injuries occur when multiple kids are jumping at one time.” (Children's Health Team)

3. Medical bills are very expensive.

3.1. "If only Thomas had been more careful,not only did his emergency-room visit cost $2,000 dollars but he also missed out on a weekend trip to a friend's cabin and spent three miserable weeks on crutches" (J.O'Neil pg 21)

4. Injuries can cause serious damage.

4.1. “I thought we were out of the woods but he vomited shortly afterwards and started vomiting quite intensively two hours later,” she said. (Edgar’s Mother) "Edgar was taken to the RCH, where Kim said the doctors were concerned Edgar had fractured his skull and might have internal bleeding. A CAT scan came back clear but revealed Edgar had suffered a brain trauma." (Thals)