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Mighty Avalanche 作者: Mind Map: Mighty Avalanche

1. Sectionalism

1.1. Missouri Compromise

1.1.1. Drew a line to divide slave states. Determined that the North and South should be divided, North was slave free and South had slaves.

1.2. Compromise of 1850

1.2.1. California was a free state. It divided Mexico Cession into New Mexico and Utah.

1.3. Uncle Tom's Cabin

1.3.1. It dramatized the cruelties of slavery. Northerners saw this as everything evil about slavery. To Southerners the novel as abolitionist propaganda.

1.4. Kansas-Nebraska Act

1.4.1. Kansas and Nebraska act repealed the Missouri Compromise. The act broke the boarder of slavery.

2. Political

2.1. John C. Calhoun

2.1.1. Senate of South Carolina, supported states rights, and against the government.

2.1.2. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/John_C_Calhoun_by_Mathew_Brady%2C_1849.jpg

2.2. Daniel Webster

2.2.1. http://americanrtl.org/files/images/daniel-webster.jpg

2.2.2. Senate of Massachusetts, did not support states rights, and agreed with the government.

2.3. Henry Clay

2.3.1. https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/find-a-grave-prod/photos/2001/243/203_999329440.jpg

2.3.2. Senate of Missouri, agreed with government, and Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850.

3. Economic

3.1. Tariffs

3.1.1. North Helped the Northern manufacturers fight against foreign competition.

3.1.2. South The tariffs hurt the Souths ability to trade and save money. South traded cotton for goods. Southerners wanted tariffs to be illegal.

3.2. Slavery

3.2.1. North Northerners were against slavery, they thought it was against Godś judgement. Most free slaves lived in the North.

3.2.2. South To the South slaves helped the economy. South forbid slaves to get an education.

4. Social

4.1. North

4.1.1. http://shsmo.org/historicmissourians/name/p/pulitzer/images/gallery1/shs024744.jpg

4.1.2. http://www.mylookbackintime.com/Family_Stories/Entries/2009/1/1_Life_at_Fortess_Mews_in_Kentish_Town_files/Screen%20shot%202012-07-09%20at%203.47.48%20PM.jpg

4.1.3. http://northandsouth.annagibson.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/context2.jpg

4.1.4. Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Delaware, Vermont, Iowa, Kansas, Oregon, California, Kentucky, West Virginia, Missouri, and Maryland. They had rocky and swampy soil.

4.2. South

4.2.1. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/fb/84/15/fb84153039c37fbc7dd77faaffbba43c.jpg

4.2.2. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b5/24/87/b52487b1c66e5f218263729b917d2e31.jpg

4.2.3. https://www.landofthebrave.info/images/slave-beaten.jpg

4.2.4. Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Atlanta, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and Virginia. They had rich soil.