Catholics and The Environment

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Catholics and The Environment 作者: Mind Map: Catholics and The Environment

1. Over population

2. History

2.1. "The Earth is the Lord's and all that it holds." Psalm 24:1.

2.2. we are called to not only honor God for these many blessings but to also do so by honoring his creation.

2.3. Pope Benedict named "The Green Pope"

2.3.1. Installed solar panels on some vatican buildings

2.4. St. Francis was named Patron Saint of Ecology by Pope John Paul II in 1979.

3. Current Issues

3.1. Climate Change

3.1.1. Industrialized Nations

3.2. Pollution

3.2.1. We need to have smaller more efficient homes and cars.

3.3. Environmental Degrading

3.3.1. Waste desposal

3.3.2. Deforestation

3.4. Resources Depletion

3.4.1. The Catholic Church sees us as a culture of waste.

4. Application to Nursing

4.1. the bishops pointed out that as stewards, “we seek to explore the links between concern for the person and for the earth and for natural ecology and social ecology. The web of life is One.”

4.2. The current environmental problems pose a lot of risk to health of humans, and animals

4.3. weather and climate affect the survival, distribution, and behavior of mosquitoes, ticks, and rodents that carry diseases like West Nile virus or Lyme disease.

4.4. Pollutants cause respiratory disease like Asthma and cardiac-vascular problems

4.5. Dirty water is the biggest health issue world wide

5. Efforts are underway to develop cheaper and more sustainable energy such as solar power, wind power and other forms of renewable energy that can replace oil and fossil fuel.

6. Resources

6.1. The Environmental Justice Program (EJP)

6.2. The Conservation Fund.

6.3. Earth Justice

6.4. Natural Resources Defense Council

7. Education/Prevention

7.1. The Catholic Church claims the world is not ours to do as we please, it is God's.

7.1.1. Consider how we use resources will effect our brothers and sisters.

7.1.2. We should use the Earth simply and only use what we need.

7.2. Only wash clothes when you have a full load

7.2.1. can save 1,000 gallons of water a month

7.3. Unplug unused appliances

7.3.1. Even when powered off, plugged-in appliances use electricity.

7.4. Plant trees

7.4.1. They shade your home. You can save money on air conditioning

7.5. Inflate your tires properly

7.5.1. This preserves the life of the tires, creates a safer ride, and saves gas.

8. Consequences

8.1. Pope John Paul II said: “We cannot interfere in one area of the ecosystem without paying due attention both to the consequences of such interference in other areas and to the wellbeing of future generations.”

8.2. Our water resources are running out.

8.2.1. We cannot replace fresh drinking water. What will we drink?

8.3. Nothing can be moved built or manufactured without oil

8.3.1. non-renewable resources

8.3.2. Less transportation

8.3.3. Smaller economies

8.4. No more forests!?

8.4.1. Half of the world's forests have been cleared

8.4.2. Trees absorb pollutants and carbon dioxide and produce oxygen we need.

8.4.3. Home to many species that will become extinct.

8.4.4. Increases global warming and soil erosion