Study Tips For Kids

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Study Tips For Kids 作者: Mind Map: Study Tips For Kids

1. Strategic Plan

1.1. My plan is to create my logo, and research ideas for my website. I will include study tips for each grade level and subject, include a forum for if people have questions they can ask real teachers, and interviews from kids and how the website can/did help them.

1.1.1. I will use blogs for the teachers and parents to communicate, I will film videos of students that the website helped, and google to find what tips are best and such.

2. About Me

2.1. I will write a tiny blurb about myself and why this topic is important to me. Also about why i chose this topic and how it can be impactful.

3. Resources

3.1. I will use Google Images and Flickr to provide pictures on my website. I will also design and create a logo for the website.

3.1.1. To find information for my website I will use Google search and other materials to research my topic.

4. 11-12th Grade

4.1. Test prep for SAT and ACT

5. Teacher Forum

5.1. Include access to teachers who can help suggest more ideas or even help the parents if they are having problems

6. Contact Page

6.1. Hailey Henley, [email protected]

6.1.1. For the contact page I will put my information on the site so that anyone who has questions can contact me. I will also include teachers that want to help out parents on the site if they need help figuring out what study ways best work for their child.

7. Home Page

7.1. The home page will include the introduction to my website, I will discuss what it is and how it will be beneficial to who tries to use it.

7.1.1. I will do this by providing a logo and quick tips on how to make studying fun.

8. K-8 Grade

8.1. Each subject and what are the best ways to study for each. Example assignments and printable to use

9. 9-10th Grade

9.1. Add how to test prep

9.2. How to not procrastinate as much

10. Pre-School Tips

10.1. I will discuss how to prepare your child for school if the don't have the opportunity to go to pre-school

11. How This Impacts Children

11.1. Include videos of children using the site

11.2. Q and A from parents on how useful it was

11.3. Interviews from kids