Overview of VR

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Overview of VR 作者: Mind Map: Overview of VR

1. Survey

1.1. Background

1.2. Results

1.3. Findings/Analyses

2. Introduction

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. What is virtual reality

2.2. How it works

2.3. Development

2.3.1. table of history of VR

2.4. Differences between other R's (AR, MR, CR)

2.4.1. Table of characteristics of different R's

3. Applications

3.1. Public/Society

3.1.1. Medicine Healthcare Training therapy/treatments

3.1.2. Business

3.1.3. Education

3.2. Personal

3.2.1. Entertainments

4. Advantages

4.1. Public/Society

4.1.1. Medicine

4.1.2. Education

4.1.3. Business It is a business -> Profit - data

4.2. Personal

4.2.1. Entertainments

5. Disadvantages

5.1. Physical

5.2. Pschological

5.3. Privacy

6. Safety & Regulations

6.1. Take a break every 10 minutes

6.2. Mind your head

6.3. Mind your surroundings

6.4. Use in an open space

6.5. Discontinue use if you experience motion sickness