The Secret of Going Viral - TEDxVienna 2017

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The Secret of Going Viral - TEDxVienna 2017 作者: Mind Map: The Secret of Going Viral - TEDxVienna 2017


1.1. Every game changing product, joke or campaign is based on an insight

1.2. Mechanic = method used to communicate the insight

2. Title of this talk is a lie.

2.1. There is no secret

2.2. But, there is a pattern

3. Only after you've found and understood a problem you can try and solve it

4. Use an opponent to come up with ideas

4.1. e.g. Twitter

4.1.1. Experiment Reported 300 racist, homophobic etc. tweets After 6 months of reporting, nothing was actually deleted So I picked 30 of the tweets and sprayed them in front of Twitter's HQ

4.1.2. Twitter has not responded, but the experiment inspired others

5. The smallest ideas can have lots of impact

5.1. The times we live in have amazing potential

5.2. You can make your voice heard

5.3. If you have something to say, now is your chance

5.3.1. Use the internet to reach the whole world, from your home, in your underwear

6. Speaker


6.1.1. Artist & Comedian | DE

6.1.2. Shahak Shapira (@ShahakShapira) | Twitter

7. Do you remember what boredom feels like?

7.1. Boredom is pretty much gone

7.2. 30 years ago you could be bored anytime

7.2.1. No smartphone

7.2.2. No internet

7.2.3. We had to live with not knowing things

8. We're flooded with endless amounts for information

8.1. We know everything, but care for nothing

9. The Race for Attention

9.1. Anybody can now enter the race, but only a few can reach the finish line, which is going viral

9.1.1. How do you go viral?

10. I didn't have any followers when I started out

10.1. Got lucky with an article on VICE

10.2. It just started spreading