Dell Notebook: How it's made

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Dell Notebook: How it's made 作者: Mind Map: Dell Notebook: How it's made

1. Part delivery

1.1. Factory e-mails Supplier Logistics Centers

1.1.1. Deliver requested parts on demand to factories Unload and register parts in factory

1.1.2. Must stay full of parts

2. Notebook delivery

2.1. Assembly & packaging

2.1.1. Transport to airport Transport to country of customer Delivered to customer

3. Order Process

3.1. By phone

3.1.1. Dell employee enters order information in Dell's order management system Order goes to a factory by e-mail

3.2. By internet

3.2.1. Order goes to factory by mail

4. Design of the notebook

4.1. Basic features & case are designed in Texas and Taiwan

4.1.1. Partners do basic electronics, Dell helps design Features customers want Notebooks are redesigned through the year, as technology improves

5. Suppliers of parts

5.1. Multiple suppliers for the same parts for reliability reasons

5.2. Suppliers are from all over the world (Mostly Asia and Europe)