Getting Started on Writing Essays & Research Reports

The hardest part in writing essays and research reports is getting started. This map shows how to plan and focus your approach in a way that will represent your best work.

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Getting Started on Writing Essays & Research Reports 作者: Mind Map: Getting Started on Writing Essays & Research Reports

1. Objective focus

1.1. Purpose

1.2. Theme or topic

1.3. Content

1.4. Format & structure

1.5. Timing & deadline

2. Know your audience

2.1. Instructors

2.2. Colleagues

2.3. General public

3. Essays

3.1. Types of essays

3.1.1. Expository

3.1.2. Argumentative

3.1.3. Descriptive

3.2. Scheduling essay

3.2.1. Literature search

3.2.2. Proposal for essay

3.2.3. Library work

3.2.4. First draft

3.2.5. Revised draft

3.2.6. Final draft

4. By Marwah Zagzoug

5. Research reports

5.1. Types of research

5.1.1. Descriptive

5.1.2. Relational

5.1.3. Experimental

5.2. Scheduling research

5.2.1. Literature search

5.2.2. Proposal for research

5.2.3. Ethics review

5.2.4. Data collection

5.2.5. Data analysis

5.2.6. First draft

5.2.7. Revised draft

5.2.8. Final draft

6. Choosing a topic

6.1. Ideas

6.2. Interests

6.3. Curiousity

7. Cultivate understanding

7.1. New theories

7.2. Intuitive knowledge

7.3. Deep comprehension