Online Traffic Map

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Online Traffic Map von Mind Map: Online Traffic Map

1. Social Media

1.1. LinkedIn

1.1.1. Groups

1.1.2. Individuals we want as customeers

1.1.3. Influencers

1.1.4. referrers

1.2. Facebook

1.2.1. Influencers

1.2.2. Customers

1.3. Twitter

1.3.1. influencers

1.3.2. Customeres

1.3.3. Reporters

2. facebook

2.1. Avatars to right LP

2.2. CPM to hero's

2.3. Male vs female targetting

2.4. psychographics

2.4.1. I can do it

2.4.2. I need help

2.4.3. I'm busy

2.4.4. Growing to slow

2.4.5. global domination

3. Keywords

3.1. our secret keywords

4. placements

4.1. our secret placements

5. PPC

5.1. Google Search

5.2. Bing Search

5.3. LinkedIn

5.4. Amazon

5.4.1. Start up books

5.4.2. Entrepreneurship books

5.4.3. Biographies

6. Content Network

6.1. Business Forums

6.2. Business websites

6.3. Start Up forums

6.4. daily newspapers

6.4.1. Business sections

6.4.2. Selected heroes

7. Remarketing

7.1. Back to blog posts

7.2. Abandon cart

7.3. Special Offers

7.4. Joint Ventures

8. SEO

8.1. Top 10 keywords based on Google results