Grow Your LinkedIn Connections

Ideas on who you could add as LinkedIn connections and grow your network.

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Grow Your LinkedIn Connections von Mind Map: Grow Your LinkedIn Connections

1. Friends of the "family"

1.1. You land "real" opportunities through loose ties

2. Friends

3. Teachers

3.1. High School

3.2. College / University

3.3. Tutors

3.4. Lab Assistants

3.5. Teaching Assistants

4. Family

4.1. Parents

4.1.1. Mom

4.1.2. Dad

4.2. Siblings

4.3. Uncles + Aunts

4.4. Cousins

5. Classmates

6. Work

6.1. Execs

6.2. Manager's Manager

6.3. Manager

6.4. Supervisors

6.5. Direct Reports

6.6. Co-workers

6.7. Ex colleagues

7. LIONs aka LinkedIn Open Networkers

8. Business Partners

8.1. Supplier

8.2. Vendor

8.3. Customers

8.4. Freelance Clients

8.5. Real Estate Agent

8.6. Anyone who can recommend your work

8.7. Trade Association Contacts

8.8. Other Professionals in your industry

9. HOW?

9.1. Keep your profile complete + professional

9.2. Don't stuff your profile with keywords

9.3. Personalize connection requests

9.4. Ask for recommendations / endorsements

9.5. Manage your online image and reputation

9.6. Protect your Connections’ contact information