Principles that should govern Cultural Policies

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Principles that should govern Cultural Policies von Mind Map: Principles that should  govern Cultural Policies

1. Artistic and Intelectual Creation And Art Education

1.1. Freedom of opinion and Expression is Essential

1.2. Social and cultural conditions

1.3. Development and promotion

2. Relationship of Culture with Education, Science and Communication.

2.1. Education

2.2. National Language

2.3. Science and Technology

2.4. Communication

3. Planning, Administration and Financing of Cultural Activities.

3.1. Culture is Essential

3.2. Cultural development

4. International Cultural Co-operation

4.1. Possible Dissemination of ideas

4.2. International Cultural Co-operation

4.3. Cultural, scientific and educational Exchanges

4.4. Encouragment


5.1. Captial Importance

5.2. Helping man

5.3. Different civilizations

6. Cultural Identity

6.1. 1.Every culture represents a unique body of values.

6.2. 4. Cultures is dialogue

6.3. 5. Cultural identity and Cultural diversity are inseparable.

6.4. 6. Essence of cultural Pluralism

7. Cultural Dimension of Development

7.1. Humanized development

7.2. Increasing numbers of men and women are seeking a better world.

7.3. New models are required

7.4. Balance development

8. Culture And Democracy

8.1. Art. 27 of the universal Declaration of human rights.

8.2. participation in the creation of cultural goals

8.3. new channels of democracy

9. Cultural Heritage

9.1. Expression of cultural spirituality

9.2. Cultural heritage damage

9.3. cultural relations.