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Learning plan par Mind Map: Learning plan

1. Course Topics

1.1. Program control flow

1.2. Build your first function

1.3. Operate with strings

1.4. Use cycles and conditions

1.5. Test your program

1.6. Build sequences

1.7. Use dictionaries

2. Exam info

2.1. Test takes place every weekend

2.2. Questions are always welcomed

3. Reading List

3.1. A byte of Python

3.2. Making games with PyGame

3.3. Automate boring stuff

4. Overview

4.1. Open brave new Python world

4.2. By Ivan Styazhkin

4.3. Online in 2020

4.4. Goal: make a person able to

4.4.1. Read basic python programs

4.4.2. Use all built in data types

4.4.3. Test own programs

4.4.4. Get enough practice

5. Materials

5.1. Python Anywhere web site

5.2. Book: Making games with pygame