Seven habits of successful students

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Seven habits of successful students par Mind Map: Seven habits of successful students

1. 4. Organization.

1.1. Different people need different approaches

1.2. Any organization plays a vital role in the life of human being

1.3. enables the pupil to get profit from their learning

2. 5. Strategic & Resourceful.

2.1. Students thinking about upcoming demands

2.1.1. And taking advantage of available resources to prepare for them.

2.2. Diego Gomez

2.2.1. “Success is not about your resources. It’s about how resourceful you are with what you have.”

3. 6. Balance

3.1. Get sleep

3.2. Exercise

3.3. Eat properly

3.4. spend time with people you care about and on your other interests

3.5. So keep your energy up by maintaining all the important parts of your life

4. 7. Committed.

4.1. Make a commitment to yourself to be successful in all aspects of your university experience

5. 1. Passion.

5.1. Had found a major that was interesting and important to them.

5.1.1. University students change their major in the first two years.

5.1.2. University students change their major in the first two years In the process of discovering their passion. His passion can be a source of energy and motivation for academic work.

6. 2. Social Support.

6.1. Successful students are involved with other people

6.2. Put energy into their important relationships

6.2.1. Social support enhances quality of life and provides a buffer against adverse life events

6.3. Put energy into their important relationships

7. 3. Talk to Professors.

7.1. Students who talk to professors in the first six weeks, are more likely to stay in university

7.2. It will make your courses more interesting and will help you learn about class requirements