5 productivity tricks every entrepreneur should stick to

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5 productivity tricks every entrepreneur should stick to par Mind Map: 5 productivity tricks every entrepreneur should stick to

1. 3- wired in periods

1.1. working on a single task

1.2. 2h/day

1.3. No interuption at all

1.4. music is tolerated

1.5. treat it like a resistance workout

2. 4- 20% creative time

2.1. You're an entrepreneur, your job is to create

2.2. save time for that vital part of your job

2.3. schedule it on your calendar

2.4. prepare inspiration before

3. 5- take a break

3.1. 1 day break/week

3.2. no electronic device at all

3.3. reconnect with the why you do this

3.4. pat yourself in the back

4. 1- inbox 0

4.1. Your email is killing your time

4.2. personal story

4.3. asian efficiency

5. 2- cut the bullshit

5.1. people take your time

5.2. don't be affraid to say no/I don't have time

5.3. cut the time suckers

5.4. give people a time frame to adress you

5.5. reward them for being concise