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Australia Publishing Market par Mind Map: Australia Publishing Market

1. Dymocks since 1879 - 60 stores, 800 employees; corresponding to 20% of the sector.

2. Sector 2020 turnover - 1.25 million Australian dollars or 5.4 billion reais.

2.1. Compared to 2019, the Australian publishing market grew by 7.9%.

2.2. Adult fiction grew 13.6% after the eradication of Covid-19 in the country.

2.3. The reading rate of electronic books (ebooks)

3. Australian academics - print book is the favorite format in 60% of cases.

3.1. Means of obtaining books

3.2. Reading on the screen of computers and other reading devices

3.3. 69% of the articles read by academics at universities that were the target of the research come from library subscriptions and 97% are in electronic format.

4. Teacher: Luciana Azeredo | Students: Julia Ferraz, Maristela Alves e Rosângela Maria | CEFET-MG | 21-06-2021

5. Tradition = Strength

5.1. Strong local market.

5.2. Independent bookstores - 26% sales.

6. They buy + books/dedicate + time to reading by buying from the US.

6.1. Reading frequency of Australian books - 23% reads every day/most of them; 27% read at least once a week and 20% read +/- once a month.

7. Sources:

7.1. 1. A batalha da Amazon pelo mercado do livro na Austrália - 25/10/2017 - Mercado - Folha de S.Paulo

7.2. 2. Dymocks Booksellers Wikipedia

7.3. 3. Exemplo no combate à pandemia, a Austrália viu seu mercado editorial crescer 7,8% em 2020 | PublishNews

7.4. 4. Hábitos de leitura de literatura científica entre pesquisadores | SciELO em Perspectiva

7.5. 5. Descubra a posição do Brasil entre os países com mais frequência de leitura no mundo