My Business Plan Template

services offered by brown consulting firm

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My Business Plan Template par Mind Map: My Business Plan Template

1. Brown Consulting Firm, LLC Michelle Murriel Owner/Operator Make business flow successfully.

2. Personal Finances used, Find and use grant funding.(hello alice), and profit from business transactions

3. With the upcoming foreclosures there is going to be a lot of debt and people in distress on their mortgages. That equals to a lot of homes being available so the demand will be less but supply high. That where my company comes in and help save their credit and help those that qualify; but not through a traditional bank find their dream home or better community.

4. Assist in pre foreclosure tranactions, wholesale property, buy and hold for rentals, provide assistance in helping people claim overages funds from different states.

5. Market is steady,and foreclosures are increasing.

6. Email campaigns, social media platforms, website, sms ,craigs list and through real estate agent.