Disneyland: Why build theme parks?

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Disneyland: Why build theme parks? par Mind Map: Disneyland: Why build theme parks?

1. Elements of all Theme Parks

1.1. Roller Coasters/Rides

1.2. Food Stands

1.3. Buses/Shuttles

1.4. People

1.5. Games of chance

2. Elements of Disneyland

2.1. Massive in size

2.2. Disney Princesses/Princes

2.3. Disney

2.4. Musicals/Shows

2.5. Parades

2.6. Hotels

2.7. Different Themed Areas

2.8. Restaurants

2.9. Different forms of entertainment

2.10. Bright and colorful

2.11. Looks new, clean

2.12. Rides

3. Educated Guess

3.1. To make people happy/bring joy

3.2. On the video, Disney said that he hopes EVERYONE enjoys his park

3.3. To make money

3.3.1. or maybe not? some people are not like that

3.4. He's creative

4. PK: Facts about Disney

4.1. Disneyland was created before Disney World

4.2. Made a million dollars from just Mickey/Minnie

4.3. There's a Disney TV channel

4.4. Movie, princesses - themes at the park

4.5. He's dead

4.6. First cartoons were in black and white