HMD307 Understanding Management and Leadership in Hospitality

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HMD307 Understanding Management and Leadership in Hospitality par Mind Map: HMD307 Understanding Management and Leadership in Hospitality

1. Presentation. We will use the format of PechaKucha which is 20 slides by 20 seconds per slide. No bullet points. If we have 10 managers & leaders participate, then each team has 2 slides, 40 seconds. It is ONE presentation for the entire class.

2. What are the trends in the industry? How can we find the up to date information that is researched. Gather articles through the library, peer reviewed, scholarly.

3. What are the current managers and leaders saying about best practices? For this assignment you will do an interview to find the solution to the ongoing questions we have about employees in the hospitality industry.

3.1. Interview. I will set up 10 people, managers, leaders, supervisors that are currently in the industry. From the research, you will come up with interview questions about how they manage, lead the current employees. 5 questions at the minimum. This interview is best to be done face to face, but can be done over the phone or skype.

4. Write. For this assignment you will write 10 pages (about, double spaced) that will discuss the literature (from articles collected), with your real life people interjecting.

4.1. online collaborate in google drive. [email protected] and fall2014hmd307

5. From your findings, & writings, you will add one page to the class website. This is easy to do, and at the end, we will have best practices. If you have videos, they can also be uploaded.

5.1. use the gmail account and password of leadmanage