Problem Statement - Expatriate Managers and ....Turnover of employees...engagement?

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Problem Statement - Expatriate Managers and ....Turnover of employees...engagement? par Mind Map: Problem Statement - Expatriate Managers and ....Turnover of employees...engagement?

1. Defining Sucess

1.1. What great managers do

1.2. How is success defined

2. Culture

2.1. Background (such as French upbringing)

2.2. Culture within the organization set by the leaders and the employees

3. Mentor Programs

4. Training

4.1. Corporate vs. Property

4.2. Education (formal, where is the degree from?)

4.3. Informal vs. formal

5. Org Learning

5.1. Performance Measures

5.2. Strategic Oucomes

6. Leadership Skills

6.1. Skills observed