Setting Up Categories and Tags for City specific SEO

Setting up Categories and Tags on your investor website for location-specific SEO.

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Setting Up Categories and Tags for City specific SEO により Mind Map: Setting Up Categories and Tags for City specific SEO

1. Categories

1.1. Categories allowed for a broad grouping of post topics

1.2. 1 Category per blog post

2. Tags

2.1. Tags are used to describe your post in more detail

2.2. 1 to 3 Tags per blog post

3. What are Categories and Tags?

3.1. What is the difference between tags and categories

3.2. Used on blog posts to organize your content by subject matter

3.3. Want to set them up so they are NOT generic but written to index for your local market

4. Google search examples with Categories and Tags

4.1. "stop foreclosure in Tucson"

4.2. "sell a home probate Tucson"

4.3. "Tucson foreclosure help"