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John the Revelator により Mind Map: John the Revelator

1. Strengths

1.1. Relevant experience

1.2. Inspiring talker

1.3. Patient listener

1.4. Resonate ideas

1.5. One-to-one influencer

1.6. Stable capability in a flow (alone)

1.7. Good practices knowledge

2. Weaknesses

2.1. Slow

2.2. Lazy

2.2.1. Successinator

2.3. Dirty language in a flow

2.4. Hard focus recovery

2.5. Not stubborn/fanatic enough to push

3. Opportunities

3.1. Mediator role is interesting

3.2. Influence on colleagues work

3.3. Career progress

3.4. Wider influence range

3.5. External confirmation

4. Threatens

4.1. Mood swings

4.2. Low battery capacity in doubts

4.3. Doesn't practice what he preaches

4.4. Alienated in a flow

4.5. Not critic-proof