Procoders Content ideas

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Procoders Content ideas por Mind Map: Procoders Content ideas

1. Legal & Law in IT outsourcing

1.1. Models of outsourcing

1.1.1. Team Involvement Based Models

1.1.2. Team Organization & PM Based Models

1.1.3. Efforts Based Models time and material or fixed cost

1.1.4. Pricing Models

2. What to choose

2.1. frontend

2.1.1. angular or ...

2.1.2. vue or ...

2.1.3. react or ...

2.2. backend

2.2.1. PHP Laravel or Symphony Laravel or Yii

2.2.2. Node.js Express or Koa Express or Nest.js

2.2.3. go vs node js go vs node performance go vs node js

2.3. mobile

2.3.1. Native or ...

2.3.2. Ionic or React Native

2.4. calculator link at ProCoders

2.5. progressive web apps desktop

2.6. technology stack for mobile application

2.7. android app development with react native

2.8. Outsourcing vs outstuffing

2.9. fullstack

2.9.1. cons & props division of labour

3. Outsourcing

3.1. common mistakes remote work

3.2. How do outsourcing cheat?

3.2.1. Huckster: Greatly Oversold

3.2.2. Hustler: You buy in the 3rd hands

3.2.3. Shadow: Junior instead of senior

3.2.4. Low traction: Developer works 1-2 hours instead of 8

3.3. What are the risks?

3.3.1. Charge 10 but 2 in a fact

3.4. changing IT service provider

3.5. N common mistakes for outstuffing

3.5.1. Article

3.5.2. Doodly

3.5.3. Webinar/Quartz

3.5.4. Youtube

3.6. it cost optimization

3.6.1. [Calculator] What Does it Really Cost to Run an IT Department? how much an employee cost

3.6.2. effective it budgeting

3.6.3. It Costs How Much to Replace an Employee

3.6.4. How To Calculate IT Support Cost For Your Business

4. Hiring

4.1. How to test developer

4.1.1. PHP

4.1.2. React

4.2. Hw

4.3. hire software developers ukraine

4.4. Why to hire offshore developers fast?

4.4.1. You are not alone on the job market

4.4.2. Look for candidates slow, sign talents fast

4.4.3. Competitors don't sleep

4.4.4. 63 days for a suitable candidate

4.4.5. 3 job offers in the first 12 hours

4.4.6. Summary: Find talents and bright minds in a day and catch them

4.5. How to exam developers

4.5.1. react js interview

4.5.2. php interview questions and answers for 5 year experience

4.5.3. laravel interview questions and answers for 3 year experience Laravel interview questions pdf

4.6. Adizes and IT world

5. Hosting

5.1. GCP or Digital Ocean

6. Technologies upgrade

6.1. From AngularJS to Angular 2+

6.2. Angular 2 to newer

6.3. Laravel 6

6.4. why I need upgrade? to upgrade or not to upgrade...

7. Pure Procoders

7.1. Developers

7.1.1. Qualification ?

7.1.2. Seniors supports others

7.1.3. All experts in-house

7.2. What is costs?

7.2.1. Why so much pitfalls when working with outsourcing?

7.3. Why Clients choose Procoders?

8. Competitors

8.1. QA

8.1.1. UTor

8.2. how to manage remote developers

8.3. working with remote developers

8.4. manage remote team effectively

8.5. hire remote developer

9. Catalog Representatives

10. Project Management

10.1. discovery phase of a project

10.2. How to evaluate a project

10.2.1. PERT

10.2.2. Estimate Spreadsheet template

10.3. IT crisis

11. Startups

11.1. how do free apps make money without ads

11.2. how to start a software project

11.3. App Like

11.3.1. app like instagram but for video

11.3.2. how to design app like uber

11.3.3. how to make dating app

11.3.4. how to create a dating app

11.3.5. how to start a dating app

11.4. Costs

11.4.1. cost to develop app

11.4.2. cost of an app developer

11.4.3. how much does it cost make an app

11.5. MVP

11.5.1. develop an mvp

12. Outsource/Offshore

12.1. what is offshore development

12.2. outsource web design services

12.3. web and mobile app development ukraine

12.4. web design company in europe

12.5. how to outsource an app

12.6. software development team ukraine

12.6.1. web application development ukraine

12.7. hire software developer ukraine

12.8. hire software developer ukraine

12.9. looking for a app developer

12.10. hire php developers ukraine

13. Technologies

13.1. front end frameworks javascript

13.2. Wordpress

13.3. Google page speed optiimize

14. Markup

14.1. psd to html freelancer


14.3. export sketch to html

14.4. sketch to vue

14.5. psd to react native

15. CTA blocks

15.1. Get checklist

15.2. Get a video

15.3. Get.a calculator link

16. Pagespeed

16.1. how to increase google page speed score