What is the best way for a school to discover its city or a new one thanks to a web service ?

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What is the best way for a school to discover its city or a new one thanks to a web service ? por Mind Map: What is the best way for a school to discover its city or a new one thanks to a web service ?

1. Examples of web services to discover a city

1.1. Interactive map

1.1.1. Map of Paris - Paris Interactive map

1.2. Bike Citizens

1.2.1. Bike Citizens – Discover and share the joy of cycling with our cycling app

1.3. City mapper

1.3.1. Citymapper - L'appli de transport réinventée

1.4. Nearify

1.4.1. Nearify - Discover Events Near You

1.5. Rungo

1.5.1. RunGo — Running routes with turn-by-turn voice directions.

1.6. Spotted by locals

1.6.1. Spotted by Locals: city guides by insiders

1.7. Tripadvisor

1.7.1. Tripadvisor - lisez des avis, comparez les prix et réservez

2. Ways to have an "escape the city experience"

2.1. Go to a different city

2.1.1. By travelling

2.2. Explore your city differently

2.2.1. Escape Game Outdoor to discover a city https://escapethecity.fr/

2.2.2. Treasure hunt in a city Geocaching: a website to participate to the largest treasure hunt in each city

2.2.3. Do some sport

2.2.4. Visit some monuments that you have never seen before

2.2.5. Go on a walking tour

2.2.6. Move around with public transportation

2.2.7. Use Travel apps

2.2.8. Turn to social media groups

2.2.9. Attend local events

3. Solution: Create an interactive map that shares history facts/fun facts about the city and buildings/monuments while you are walking in front of them

4. School's city experience

4.1. Ways of discovering a city :

4.1.1. Highschool Educational school trip Visits of monuments in a city

4.1.2. Junior High School Educational school trip Visits of monuments in a city

4.1.3. Universities Do an exchange with an academic partner in another city Do an internship in another city

4.2. Why do schools want to escape the city?

4.2.1. To learn more about the history of a city

4.2.2. To attend an event

4.2.3. Educational visit: museum, monuments...

4.2.4. Learn a new language

4.3. What are the benefits of an "escape the city experience" for schools?

4.3.1. The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) commissioned a survey through Teacher Voice which found that: 87% of teachers said that school trips made lessons memorable and 77% agreed that it motivated and enthused young people with regards to their learning.

4.3.2. Learning by doing

4.3.3. It motivates students to learn about a city

4.3.4. Cultural Understanding

4.3.5. External, interactive learning activites tie learning to personal experiences and memories, helping students develop a deeper understanding of subjects and topics.

4.3.6. Educational trips allow students to experience, witness and understand the hardships faced by others, both now and throughout history.

4.3.7. Learn a new language