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At Risk por Mind Map: At Risk

1. Why do people take risks?

1.1. Adrenaline

1.2. Ignorance

1.3. Recklessness

1.4. Attention

1.5. To challenge oneself

1.6. To gain confidence

1.7. Addiction to dopamin

1.8. Group pressure

1.9. Sense of invincibility

2. What kinds of risks are there?

2.1. Health/ illnesses

2.2. Money

2.3. Love and friendship

2.4. School and education

2.5. Work life

2.6. Substance abuse

2.7. Internet

2.8. Travelling

2.9. Sports and hobbies

2.10. Eating disorders

2.11. Terrorism

2.12. Crime

2.13. Bullying

2.14. Driving

2.15. Climate change

3. Famous risk takers

3.1. Philip Petit

3.2. Jackie Chan

3.3. 2 Pac Shakur

3.4. Rosa Park

3.5. Mark Zuckerberg