Arthur Jones @ It's Your Story Lab @ WBECS Presentation - A Narrative Approach to Leader Developm...

A presentation prepared for the WBECS community of professional coaches. Prepared by: Arthur Jones Founder of: The Art of Standing Out & It's Your Story Lab

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Arthur Jones @ It's Your Story Lab @ WBECS Presentation - A Narrative Approach to Leader Development & Business Growth por Mind Map: Arthur Jones @ It's Your Story Lab @ WBECS Presentation - A Narrative Approach to Leader Development & Business Growth

1. Lens to use and processes to follow!

1.1. VUCA-Prime

1.2. I can't change the direction of the winds, but I can help you trim your sails, helping you arrive safely at your destination.

2. Systems Dynamics - Forces at Work

2.1. Growth By Design

3. Know Thyself - This is the way!

3.1. Oracle of Delphi

4. My Origin & Founders Story From Super Salesperson to Narratologist

5. Doug Conat & Brene Brown

5.1. Doug Conant Business Leader, Speaker, Founder and CEO at ConantLeadership Douglas R. Conant is an internationally renowned business leader, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, keynote speaker, and social media influencer with over 40 years of leadership experience at world-class global companies. Source:

6. Visualize Life Journey Connections

6.1. Dendrochronology as Metaphor

6.2. Mind Map Example

7. Frederich Nietzsche

7.1. “In his essay “Schopenhauer as Educator,” Nietzsche wrote that the way to discover what you were put on earth for is to go back into your past, list the times you felt most fulfilled, and then see if you can draw a line through them.” | David Brooks

8. Marketing - Providing User Experience - Customer Journey

8.1. Examples of how Chat GPT can help you keep the flywheel spinning

8.1.1. Think of Ai as a help me, and not a hurt me

9. Ben Horowitz on the power of Story

9.1. "The story must explain at a fundamental level why you exist. Why does the world need your company? Why do we need to be doing what we're doing and why is it important?” “I agree with you, Ben. But what do we tell people who insist that the product is the only thing that matters?” I asked. “You can have a great product, but a compelling story puts the company into motion. If you don't have a great story it's hard to get people motivated to join you, to work on the product, and to get people to invest in the product.”

10. How To Become & Expert

11. Goals tied to consistent KPI achievement (Peter Drucker is often quoted as saying, "You can't manage what you can't measure." ).

11.1. 12 Week Year