Cause-brand alliances/Cause-related marketing

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Cause-brand alliances/Cause-related marketing por Mind Map: Cause-brand alliances/Cause-related marketing

1. Number of great cause-related marketing initiatives

1.1. pink ribbon campaign for breast cancer research

1.2. Make trade fair/Fair trade consumer goods (food and clothing)

1.3. Add more here!

2. Brand protection

2.1. A cause or NGO as a brand

2.1.1. Brand management - selective or widely spread

2.2. If one of the partners received bad publicity, the other can also be harmed - think of Lance Armstrong and Livestrong Foundation

3. Is the value of a CRM the same for high and low involvement products?

3.1. Low involvement

3.1.1. Particularly effective "if I am aware of an ongoing relationship between the brand and the cause"

3.1.2. Used as a form of differentiation to entice consumers to switch brand purchase The competitive edge over similar products

3.1.3. A nice 'to have' but not a primary influencer or sole purchase purpose

3.2. High involvement

3.2.1. 'Consumer guilt' when not supporting a charity?

4. Consumers becoming more globally aware

4.1. CRM burn out - does it still have an impact?

4.2. Should companies have souls?

5. Rationale for business

5.1. Altruistic?

5.2. Profiting from legitimacy of cause?

5.2.1. Public relations vs spin Pinkwashing Tokenism? Greenwashing

5.2.2. CRM can backfire if consumers don't perceive the 'fit' is right between product, brand or product type and cause or specific organisation Finding the right 'fit' Brand name fit Activity fit Familiarity fit

5.3. Supporting a cause vs business practice

5.3.1. Eg Mt Franklin supports breast cancer research but also commodifies natural resource and increase consumption/waste How do consumers weigh up these concerns?

5.4. Who gets the most out of the relationship?

5.4.1. Cause get good proportion of money generated? 5%? 10%?

6. Spectrum of CRM

6.1. Sponsoring one event

6.2. Long-time relationship eg 'The Who' and 'Teenage Cancer Trust'

6.3. Alliance with an NGO or establish benevolent area of firm eg Newcastle Permanent Foundation

6.4. Business practices reflect cause eg environmentally, economically and socially sustainable textile manufacture