Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030

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Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030 por Mind Map: Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030


1.1. Be working on class assignments at all times

1.2. Do not do unrelated course work during class time. The only time that you may use laptops for unrelated course work is if you arrive to class early.

1.3. No downloading off of the internet unless instructed to do so

1.4. Treat laptop with care. No drinks/food allowed near laptops.


2.1. Put the laptop in the slot from which you got the laptop

2.2. Promptly return your laptop at the end of class

2.3. Plug the charger into the laptop

3. If you don't follow these rules....

3.1. You will not be able to use laptops anymore

3.2. You must do all projects that are completed in class on your own time.