Time Warner Cable President/CEO

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Time Warner Cable President/CEO por Mind Map: Time Warner Cable President/CEO

1. Legal Department

1.1. Copyrights and Patent Law

1.2. Union Relations

1.3. Corporate Law

1.4. Interstate and International Licensing

1.5. Long Form Agreements

2. Financing and Accounting

2.1. Accounting.

2.2. Purchasing

2.3. Inventory control

2.4. Tax Reports

2.5. Royalty Payments

3. Human Resources

3.1. Hiring

3.2. Public Relations

3.3. Employee Benefits

3.4. Staff Changes

3.5. Training

4. Programming

4.1. They work on 14 different channels and provide customers with local sports and news channels plus programming across the country.

4.2. They represent the state of the art in local television news coverage.

4.3. They provide customers with 24-hour local television news channels in New York, North Carolina, and Texas.

4.4. They are also responsible for Video journalists Meteorologist, and Producing.

4.5. And some of them work as Web Producers, Assignment Editors, Photographers and Graphic Designers.

5. Sales & Customer Service

5.1. Answering customer’s inquiries about their accounts.

5.2. They also take of customer’s issues.

5.3. They help the customers if they were looking to add digital cable, digital home phone or internet services.

5.4. If the customer has a question about his or her billing, they can help the customer with that.

5.5. Sometimes if the customer needed an installer to fix their internet service for instance then the customer service department will set up an appointment with one of the installers to fix their problem.

6. Marketing Department

6.1. They come up with new ideas about how to make the company famous and to have a good present online and offline.

6.2. They are responsible for the National Marketing Campaigns that represent the company nationally.

6.3. They take care of Social Media.

6.4. They are responsible for all online marketing campaigns from Search Engine Optimization to Google campaigns.

6.5. They are responsible for local and online marketing also to make sure that the company has a presence locally and on the web.