A "real" AMEE 2011 fringe on Social media and education

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A "real" AMEE 2011 fringe on Social media and education by Mind Map: A "real" AMEE 2011 fringe on Social media and education

1. Fringe

1.1. Unexpected

1.2. Unconventional

1.3. Informal

2. When

2.1. try and get increased social media activity throughout the conference... not a single event... although maybe events good too

2.2. create pre/post conference buzz

2.2.1. TEDx is a great example of how this is usually done

2.2.2. ?try to use the #amee facebook page to engage people?

3. Why

3.1. demonstrate that sharing is easier than people think... and that it has benefits

4. How

4.1. audio-boos with presenters

4.2. maybe make some quick video interviews and share to youtube

4.2.1. e.g. 30 second session summaries w 1 or 2 take home messages

4.3. live blog

4.4. Live mindmapping w teams?

4.4.1. http://bit.ly/TEDxMaastricht was made w 3 friends working simultaneous Rich content Twitpics Reference to youtube reference to blogs references to tweeple

4.5. Preparation

4.5.1. Assure a rock solid wifi is around Hope it is free!

4.5.2. Get a local 3G simcard Plan B

4.6. Do we need PERMISSION?? If so, who from? Or should we keep it really guerilla? ;)