Constructivist Teaching in a 21st Century Social Studies Classroom
by Chelsea Petruchik

1. What is Learning?
1.1. Making sense of the world
1.2. A process
1.3. Divergent
1.4. Interpretations
1.5. Changing learners understandings
1.6. Many answers but one best choice
2. How Does Learning Happen?
2.1. Cognitive change
2.2. Active engagement
2.3. Problem solving
2.4. Collaboration
2.5. Interaction
2.6. Intrinsic motivation
3. Does Everyone Learn the Same Way?
3.1. No!
3.2. Each individual constructs their own unique knowledge
3.3. Life experience
3.4. Context
3.5. Learning styles
3.6. Multiple intelligences
4. Role of the Teacher
4.1. Guide and facilitator
4.2. Value student initiative
4.3. Encourage student empowerment
4.4. Acknolwedge prior knowledge
4.5. Scaffolding
5. 21st Century Classroom
5.1. Appeals to modern students
5.2. Technology incorporation
5.3. Acknowledge diversity
5.4. Global Citizens
6. Principles of Social Constructivism
6.1. Reflection
6.2. Individual Knowledge Construction
6.3. Active Engagement
6.3.1. New node