Climate Change

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Climate Change by Mind Map: Climate Change

1. Climate

1.1. climatographs

1.2. long period of time

1.3. average

2. Weather

2.1. localized

2.2. environmental conditions

2.3. day to day

3. Biomes

3.1. Permanent Ice

3.1.1. lichens, mosses, polar bears

3.1.2. polar ice caps

3.1.3. little precipitation, more in summer months

3.2. Boreal Forest (Taiga)

3.2.1. cool, forest

3.2.2. rodents, snowshoe hares, lynx, ermine

3.2.3. coniferous trees

3.3. Temperate Deciduous Forest

3.3.1. many kinds of trees

3.3.2. Eastern Canada

3.3.3. wolves, deer, small mammals

3.3.4. even distribution of precipitation

3.4. Temperate Grassland

3.4.1. grass is main plant life

3.4.2. grasshoppers, bison, mice, snakes

3.4.3. also known as Prairies

3.4.4. hot summers, cold winters

3.5. Tundra

3.5.1. cold, far North

3.5.2. permafrost

3.5.3. very few trees

3.5.4. musk oxen, arctic foxes, snowshoe hares, owls

3.5.5. little precipitation

4. Greenhouse Gases

4.1. carbon dioxide (CO2)

4.2. nitrous oxides (NOx)

4.3. water vapour (H2O)

4.4. methane (CH4)

4.5. carbon cycle

5. Greenhouse Effect

5.1. 100% natural

5.1.1. keeps the Earth warm enough to live on

5.2. anthropogenic

5.2.1. burning fossil fuels

5.2.2. greenhouse gas increase

5.2.3. means "human activity"

5.2.4. ecological or carbon footprint

6. Thermal Energy

6.1. conduction

6.1.1. kinetic energy

6.1.2. solids

6.1.3. direct contact

6.2. radiation

6.2.1. infrared radiation

6.2.2. works in a vacuum

6.3. convection

6.3.1. liquids and gases

6.3.2. visible & infrared radiation

6.3.3. not all energy is absorbed albedo

6.4. different surfaces

6.4.1. temperature responses

6.5. distribution

6.5.1. equatorial regions

6.5.2. position of continents

7. Effects

7.1. loss of animal habitats

7.1.1. polar bears

7.1.2. extinction

7.2. thermal expansion of water

7.3. rising sea levels

7.3.1. more acidic oceans

7.4. melting ice sheets & glaciers

7.5. precipitation

7.5.1. droughts, floods, more extreme/intense natural disasters

7.6. risk to human health

7.7. rising tempeartures

8. Past

8.1. proxy records

8.1.1. ice cores, tree rings, coral reefs

8.2. how greenhouse gas levels have risen

9. "Spheres"

9.1. on Earth

9.1.1. biosphere (life), hydrosphere (water), lithosphere (crust), atmosphere (gas)

9.2. in atmosphere

9.2.1. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere


10.1. Latitude

10.1.1. closer to equator = colder

10.2. Ocean Currents

10.2.1. temp of ocean affects air masses passing over

10.3. Winds

10.3.1. move air masses affecting weather

10.4. Elevation

10.4.1. increasing elevation = colder

10.5. Relief

10.5.1. mountain ranges

10.5.2. windward side = warm and wet

10.5.3. leeward side = warm and dry

10.6. Nearness to Water

10.6.1. water has a moderating effect

11. Components of Earth's Climate

11.1. Lithosphere

11.1.1. land formations affect air movement

11.1.2. windward & leeward side of mountains

11.2. Sun

11.2.1. forms of solar energy ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation

11.2.2. when rays hit a particle... absorbed, transmitted, reflected

11.3. Configuration of Land Masses

11.3.1. Pangea

11.3.2. movement of air currents

11.4. Hydrosphere

11.4.1. all water on Earth

11.4.2. absorb and reflect Sun's energy

11.5. Atmosphere

11.5.1. protective layer

11.5.2. layer of mixed gases